Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Days 15 and 16



Wassup Kidulters! What's good? I've been SO BUSY. Today I had an SGA Meeting then as soon as I came home, I had an SAT class and then I had 2 go back to school for college night. I'm crazy tired but I'll survive (at least I hope, lol). At college night, we learned about the application process and how we should apply to AS MANY COLLEGES as financially possible. Now if you have a 1.5 GPA and your applying to Harvard, Princeton, Brown and Yale, that's just DUMB! Sorry, but that's just the plain truth. You also have to be realistic in the choices of actual schools you apply to, it's OK to have 2-3 dream schools but don't fill up your college choices with school that are remotely impossible.

We also learned that it is also VERY IMPORTANT TO APPLY FOR FAFSA (financial aid provided by the government) whether you fit their demographic or not because many colleges still base their scholarships off of the information you input onto your FAFSA form, it's wise though to apply for FAFSA around Janurary and not as soon as school starts because you'll end up applying with FAFSA forms for outgoing seniors of the previous class.

Advice to underclassmen: When offered a college information night or a college fair at your school or somewhere else, JUST GO! (especially when your a senior) What do you have to lose?

Otherwise, my day has been "aiight", just chillen, stuck doing homework. Coming up with plans for tailgating for spirit week which is not too far away, so we will see what happens....I have a lot of homework so I've got to cut it short for today. PEACE! Thank you for walking 2 days in my shoes on days FIFTEEN and SIXTEEN of my senior year in high school.

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